How to Add Video to Your Website Now that your video has been filmed and edited, and you’re proud of the finished product,… b&b marketing, content, guest experience, marketing ideas, photography, video, websites
How to Make a Video Next up in our video series is how to edit your video — how to put… content, marketing ideas, photography, testimonials, video
5 Tips for Shooting Video with your Point & Shoot Have you considered adding video to your site? If not, you should know that it’s a… content, guest experience, photography, video, websites
How to Build Your Website around Great Photos (and Why) Do you read travel magazines? I do. I can’t get enough of them. I love the… content, photography, web design, websites
Web Design on a Budget Wondering how to build a website? Ready to make some changes to your existing one but… blogs, budget web design, content, design, diy web design, seo, social media, websites
6 Technical Tips for Getting Great Photos with a Point & Shoot During my travels, I used both a digital SLR and a compact point and shoot to… content, guest experience, marketing ideas, photography, websites
Learn How to Take Great Photos for Your Website Web design is all about visual impact. It’s rare that a website doesn’t inspire you to… b&b marketing, content, guest experience, photography, websites
Successful B&B Blogs We’ve just wrapped up a series on why blogging can be helpful for a B&B. In… b&b marketing, blogs, content, marketing ideas, websites
Blogging for B&Bs, Part IV: Why a Blog Might Not Be Right for You Welcome to Blogging for B&Bs, a series of posts exploring blogs and their uses and usefulness… b&b marketing, blogs, content, copywriting, marketing ideas, seo, social media, social proof, video, websites